Humans have been drawn to psychic readings due to various reasons, such as curiosity, fun, wanting to know what to expect or out of sheer fear of the unknown. Whatever the reason, a psychic reading foretells the future and helps a person to know one’s fortune beforehand. It helps in doing this by prophesying about the unknown or the mysterious. Further, a psychic reading provides a special insight into a person’s life. A psychic is able to provide such insight as he or she is able to see or hear things that a common person cannot perceive or hear.
Some of the psychic abilities that a psychic can possess and that help them in making a prophecy are lampadomancy, lecanomancy, libanomancy, lithomancy, margaritomancy, metagnomy, meteoromancy, and metoposcopy. Lampadomancy is a psychic ability where a psychic makes a reading after observing the movement of the flame from an oil lamp or torch. Another psychic ability that a psychic can possess is lecanomancy. In this type of psychic reading, a psychic makes a prediction after listening to the sound a stone makes or the shape of the rippling when a stone is thrown in a basin of water.
Libanomancy is yet another form of psychic ability. This form of psychic reading encompasses the reading of the shapes formed in the smoke or the sound made when incense is burnt upon coal. Lithomancy is a psychic ability where a psychic makes a prophecy after interpreting the patterns of stones, crystals or stone talismans when thrown onto the floor or chart or map. Another psychic ability found in psychics is margaritomancy. For giving a psychic reading using this ability, a psychic casts pearls either in a pot of water heating over fire or by examining oyster shells.
In metagnomy, a psychic gives a reading in a hypnotic state. Meteoromancy is another type of psychic ability. In this type of psychic reading, a psychic reads the meteors to make a prophecy. This is similar to the divination made by Romans after reading thunder and lightning. Metoposcopy is yet another type of psychic ability that a psychic uses to make a prediction. Here, a psychic reads the patterns or lines on the forehead of a person and makes a prediction about the person’s personality, character and destiny.